Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I would love to share my 1st Surrogacy Experience:)
My Journey began  over a year ago.... I knew I wanted to be a surrogate for sometime and knew my dh(Dear Husband) supported me. I filled out a few applications. I tried to go through one agency but they turned me down due to no insurance. A few months down the road. One of the other agencies emailed me letting me know a couple liked my application and wanted to meet me. They didnt care about the insurance. I met them everything went really well, but I didnt move forward with them. Not because we had a fall out or anything they just couldnt find an egg donor that they liked so my journey continued and after a few couples later I found my intended mom who I have a great relationship with. We had our first transfer October 20th which eneded in a chemical pregnancy.  We were both disappointed but decided to move forwarded. 
We finally had our second transfer December 20th.  That was a Monday and I began testing on Thursday which I could see the line with my surro eyes..lol On Friday I tested I could see the line with my surro eyes..lol On Saturday the line got darker On Sunday it continued to get darker.  I tested one more time before my appt on Monday and it was quite postive.  I didnt want to get my hopes and my Intended Mom didnt want me to say anything to her until we got the beta results.  Which I totally understood since with our last transfer I got a postive pg test and than it kept getting light and lighter each day because I was losing the baby:(  So this time around she waited. 
So the official numbers came in on Monday my first beta 7dp5dt was 58 and Wednesday 9dp5dt was 199:):)  Whoo Hoo!!  Everything is looking Great!!!  My next appt was this morning and I am waiting til this afternoon and hoping we get the results before the day is over.  I have to wait so long because the her clinic is in NY and the time difference is 3 hours so patience is a must!!
We are both over the moon excited:):) .........praying everything goes well.


  1. I'm surprised an agency turned you down because you had no insurance. My agency accepted me with opened arms--couldn't imagine having no insurance would be a prob. Thankfully too, my IP's are covering everything. My new ins plan just went into effect 1/1/11. =)

    On another note: YAY, I found you ;) So excited to follow your journey. Best wishes for a positive and exciting experience. I am looking forward to your updates.

  2. I couldn't believe it either. I knew I wanted to be a surrogate, but when they turned me down I thought I would never be a surrogate. I am so glad I didn't give up and I filled out another application with another agency and luckly they contacted me and my journey began:)

    Thank you so much for helping me and following me on my surrogacy journey:)

  3. HI !! You have a new follower...me! aka ChelleyBelly from SMO...I blog too..and can't wait to follow your journey !

  4. Awesome! Thanks:) I need to do another update:)

  5. New blog follower (Pepperbird from SMO)
    Good luck with everything!

