Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Long Overdue Update..LOL

It has been a few weeks since my last post.  I am just been too tired to really do anything.  It is really pathetic.  I am actually feeling alot better.  Over the weekend I did start to bleed, it wasn't bright red thank god.  It was kind of in between brown and red..I know  I have had 2 ultrasounds since I last posted.  I thought I was further ahead than I thought.  I was actually almost a week behind. 

So Officially I am 7 days and 5 days today!!  Whoo Hoo!  I will have to post u/s pictures of her lil bambino.  I have a feeling it is gonna be a girl.  I just have this feeling.  I could be wrong but here are my girly signs I am always cold and I dont live in a very cold climate it is in the 60s here and its feel like the 30s to I love Orange Juice and can drink it all day.  I get heartburn and ingestion very easily but very strangely not from orange juice.  Which I think Heartburn gives babies a head full of hair.  I love fruit, not really a meat eater.  I love Wendys though and I love french fries with lots of ketcup.  I am really trying not to eat too much junk food, but that is really hard not to do.  Girl scout cookies will be arriving on Saturday and 3 of my girls are in scouts so thats means lots of  Yum!!!  So another thing is I do love sweets.  Everytime I eat I think I need something sweet after my meal.  WRONG!  I really don't.   It's all in my head...I just need to go to bed and sew my mouth

I would love to start exercising a little nothing major.  Maybe taking more walks.  I need a buddy:)

My last ultrasound is on Feb. 1st and then I graduate to my Ob/Gyn! YAY!  I have already scheduled that appt too.  It is Feb. 9th at 2pm:)

This the the picture I sent Mommy:)

The 1st one I am 6 weeks 3 days The 2nd one is 7 weeks and 4 days

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

6 weeks Pregnant!! Yay!

Update on my beta results!!:)  Yesterday I was 21dp5dt and my beta number was 13277!:)  We couldn't be more happier!  I have no more bloodwork to do because I have a scheduled ultrasound on January 19th to hear the baby's heartbeat.  After that we will possibly have two more weekly heartbeat checks than we will graduate to the Ob/Gyn:) 

As far as the preganancy is going...over the weekend I was really sick and thought m/s was coming through with open arms, but glady I think I caught the bug.  I say that because just the other night my daughter had the same symptoms I had. Now its Tuesday and the only thing I am really feeling is the tiredness everyday. I can't wait til it passes.  I just don't want to do anything.  Which isn't so bad except I do have a lil toddler to keep busy:):)  He has so much energy.  I wish I had the energy he has.  He just started climbing out of his crib...oh lord help me now.  I think I am going to buy one of those tents that you can put over the crib, but to be honest I dont know how long that will last

Other than that,  I did take another Surrogate Prego Picture:) Offically, 6 weeks pregnant today!!:):):)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 Weeks and 2 Days

Update on my Beta Results from Tuesday January 4th.  I finally got the results emailed at 3:00p thank goodness:)  and at 15dp5dt my beta was 2088!!  We are so excited the lil bean is growing in my belly.  I havem't talked to the mama that much.  She is a busy lady.  My next appt is on Monday the 10th for bloodwork again.  Hopefully after that I will have an U/S appt to check the heartbeat.  we can't wait...!!

So far this pregnancy has been really good.  I know it still early and I am probably going to jinx myself, but I havent had any sore boobies or puking or anything really.  I was really sick with a bad cold  last week and I still have alot of congestion.  My friend says its a "Girl" thing.  We will see....

Today I decided I was going to start my Surrogate Prego Pics..5 Weeks and 2 days.  To be honest is this pic I sucked it in a little because I am pretty sure it mostly

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I would love to share my 1st Surrogacy Experience:)
My Journey began  over a year ago.... I knew I wanted to be a surrogate for sometime and knew my dh(Dear Husband) supported me. I filled out a few applications. I tried to go through one agency but they turned me down due to no insurance. A few months down the road. One of the other agencies emailed me letting me know a couple liked my application and wanted to meet me. They didnt care about the insurance. I met them everything went really well, but I didnt move forward with them. Not because we had a fall out or anything they just couldnt find an egg donor that they liked so my journey continued and after a few couples later I found my intended mom who I have a great relationship with. We had our first transfer October 20th which eneded in a chemical pregnancy.  We were both disappointed but decided to move forwarded. 
We finally had our second transfer December 20th.  That was a Monday and I began testing on Thursday which I could see the line with my surro On Friday I tested I could see the line with my surro On Saturday the line got darker On Sunday it continued to get darker.  I tested one more time before my appt on Monday and it was quite postive.  I didnt want to get my hopes and my Intended Mom didnt want me to say anything to her until we got the beta results.  Which I totally understood since with our last transfer I got a postive pg test and than it kept getting light and lighter each day because I was losing the baby:(  So this time around she waited. 
So the official numbers came in on Monday my first beta 7dp5dt was 58 and Wednesday 9dp5dt was 199:):)  Whoo Hoo!!  Everything is looking Great!!!  My next appt was this morning and I am waiting til this afternoon and hoping we get the results before the day is over.  I have to wait so long because the her clinic is in NY and the time difference is 3 hours so patience is a must!!
We are both over the moon excited:):) .........praying everything goes well.